Non-trip report – Wondabyne and Brooklyn Sunday Sept 25.
Party: Bruce, Chee, Lia, Trang,George,Chris.
The Sunday morning of the walk arrived without it having rained for many hours on the Central Coast, and although still quite overcast it looked like the walk was still feasible.
Nevertheless, just as my train from the north arrived at Wondabyne station, the rain started, right on cue, and by the time the train from Sydney arrived, it had become heavier.
A decision was made then to wait it out at least until the next Sydney- bound train came in half an hour, and if the rain had not let up, to abandon the walk and go to Brooklyn for a coffe and morning tea before returning to Sydney.
The rain did not let up (and in fact rained non-stop on the Central Coast for the next 18 hours). Therefore we caught the next Sydney bound train, got off at Hawkesbury River and made our way to the Brooklyn Marina for coffee and snacks and to dry out.
After an hour’s rest we returned to the Railway and made our own ways back to our (hopefully dry) homes.
Thanks to those who braved the bad weather, and I hope to repeat the walk (to Pearl Beach that is) in a few weeks – will keep you posted.
Meanwhile I am hoping to do a weekend walk involving a day at the beach at Myall Lakes soon.
Bruce Stafford