Date: 13/3/2022
Trip leader: Yonghan Wang
Party: Alex, Basil, Carla, Erik, Hannah, Jiamin, Jose Miguel, Nikhil, Robert, Ryan, Trevor, Wing Chun, Yonghan
Photos: by Yonghan and Jiamin, by Miguel
Sunday’s trip is a great sucess. The walk was perfect, view was spectecular, friends were made, tyre pressure was lost (it’s my car lol)
However we did have some challenges:)
First, the Carpooling
Apparently we have 13 people signed up for the trip and 13 seats available. That means people have to squeeze into the back of the cars for 3 hours of driving. I was expecting people dropping out because of the space but none of them did this. All of us turned up in the morning.
Second, the Navigation
This trip involves a lot of off-track walking and scrambling. I expected full reception on this trip but this is not the case. Although the trail is marked, we have to rely on offline notes and map from time to time. Other participants navigation skill definately help the group during the trip. This is definately a lesson learned.
Third, the Vegetations
The track is well overgrowned. Somebody sent me an email asking me whether shorts are okay for the trip. I was like it is fine and I am going to wear shorts too (oh no). Well we are greeted enthusiatically by the spider nets and the spikes. My legs are still ichy.
Thanks for everyone who came to the trip. I am grateful to the coconut juice and that 7-11 saussage roll.
Photos of the trip:
(For the next trips,)
Bon Voyage!