Date: 1/7/2023
Trip leader: John Friedman
Party: Angie, Christina, Ephraem, Li, Mu-Wei, Olivia, Samantha, Shibo, Yessentay

From the bus stop we met at before the Roseville Bridge, we walked to a bush track that descended to Middle Harbour. After our short walk to Echo Point Marina we entered the hidden track that followed the shore line and exited at Willowie Road in Castle Cove after a number of ascents and descents. We then took another track that had us bush bashing to sea level in Middle Harbour which we then followed to Sugarloaf Bay where we had lunch. After lunch we commenced a rock climb and ascended to Willis Castle after which Castle Cove is named and then followed the North Arm walking track to Scotts Creek. When we descended to Scotts Creek we saw lots of fish in the creek and what appeared to be a small shark. From Scotts Creek we followed the creek upstream until we arrived at the high waterfall in Castle Cove about which very little is written. From there we ascended the track and ended our walk at the bus stop to town. The day was full of ascents and descents and we walked about 13.5 km. It was a great winter’s day with warm sunshine and little amounts of wind.