Western Explorer’s Range

My hiking trips come at only inopportune times. We were looking at doing some canyoning on Saturday but the threat of lots of rain and thunder had me thinking about a bit of exploratory walking instead. The only real parameters I had for the trip were that it should involve a bit of rough walking somewhere new and that it should incur a bit of suffering. In the…

Afternoon walk: Kamay NP La Perouse, and we saw Mercury, Fri 8/11

Afternoon walk: Kamay NP La Perouse, and we saw Mercury, Fri 8/11

Afternoon walk in Kamay NP La Perouse, and we did see Mercury, Fri 8/11/2024. There was a good turnout for a friday afternoon walk during exam time; maybe examiners tend to avoid friday afternoon exams! There were a couple of minor transport glitches but mostly everything was sorted out okay. And best…

Capertee camping trip (Sun – Mon)

Capertee camping trip (Sun – Mon)

Several people are free over the weekend and thought it’d be a good idea to do a camping trip. A rough plan of going somewhere around the Capertee area on the Castlereagh Hwy was devised, and an Expression of Interest was published yet with no solid plan. It was when my friend came to my place for laundry that I asked him to plan the trip for me in exchange for free laundry. Putting together…