by | Mar 15, 2025
For many many months, bushwalkers have mourned the temporary closure of Ruined Castle. The days of crying ourselves to sleep after viewing the NPWS alerts page are no more. Ruined Castle is back open, and what better way to celebrate than climbing it at sunset? So, from Katoomba station at 11:11am, our party of 11 set off bound for the newly reopened track. We began…
by | Feb 21, 2025
My friend from Schofields really misses Kosciuszko and wants a trip there. While he couldn’t make it at the end I’ve found the perfect long weekend with time to get there and back comfortably. It’s when a clinical placement ends and another one starts- back to back with 3 days to stretch. Inside my…
by | Dec 22, 2024
The Newnes plateau stands around one thousand meters above sea level, separating the catchments of two wilderness rivers, the Wolgan and Wollangambe. Part state forest and part national park the plateau drops to the east into the Wollangambe Wilderness, with many fine canyons along Bungleboori and Dingo Creeks. To the…
by | Dec 14, 2024
Attendees Abseiling and camping Ashley Burke Olivia Carolan Jag Ganti Han (Vicki) Long Carrie Ke Isla Shen Lin Wang Yuxin (Clara) Liu Danniella Larobina Randi Horstrup Vincent Lai Tim Hanigan Cowen Zhang Jiankang Dong Camping Only Aidan Pollock Eszter Coombs Victor Caxala Qiuyue (Moon) Hu Bill He Yiming Zhao Walked in from Katoomba Sean Armson Vyom Arya Sunil Jassal Turned up Independently Jo Boyd Joe Brischetto Roger Lembit David Noble Robert Hynes Jiri Svec Catherine Svec Cameron and Jayden Svec (children) Mitchell Isaacs Chantal Bronkhorst Trip Report The Christmas Dinner Walk is an annual SUBW tradition dating back to the 1970s. I have…
by | Nov 22, 2024
Nothing gets you through the exam season like the promise of a night by the Coxs River. So, on the very next day after all of our exams were over and 3 months of freedom loomed, we set off from Katoomba station for the Six Foot Track. Off we went, eager to spend the night away from any form of university commitment. Through the…
by | Nov 6, 2024
With just one boring exam at the end of semester it’s the perfect time for interstate trips. A bit of research, finding best prices for flights and rentals, and off we went. Car rental prices have been pricey, pushing for the need for more participants to lower costs (the cost was ~$600 at the end, including flights and all expenses). A trip…
by | Nov 3, 2024
Several people are free over the weekend and thought it’d be a good idea to do a camping trip. A rough plan of going somewhere around the Capertee area on the Castlereagh Hwy was devised, and an Expression of Interest was published yet with no solid plan. It was when my friend came to my place for laundry that I asked him to plan the trip for me in exchange for free laundry. Putting together…
by | Jun 22, 2024
In what was essentially 3 separate trips over 3 weeks, we walked through (most of) the Blue Mountains! Leg 1 Setting off from Mt Victoria station at 10:47 22/06/24, the first leg of the traversal was afoot! With our party of 6 (myself, Liam K, James Z, Jin, Tera, Patrick) we headed for “The Great Blue Mountains Trail” which would take us through to Katoomba. The trail…
by | May 1, 2024
Jimmy had a few days off from uni and thought it would be a cool idea to do a weekday camping trip. In early May the bushwalking season for Jagungul is edging towards its end, about to step into snowy winter, but forecasts weeks ahead look alright and we’ve decided to give it a go. Also on…
by | Feb 17, 2024
This collaboration with the Sydney University Astronomy Society (SUAS) was the first camping trip that I had led. Jackson, Ashwin, and Ben were the trip leaders from the SUAS side (even though Ben is an SUBW member). Shout out to Chloe who helped massively with the organisation of this trip, and greatly contributed to its eventual success. Originally, this…
by | Dec 26, 2023
Preface This trip started in true SUBW style, with a last minute trip post and some even more last-ditch efforts to get gear from the locker. Thanks Sunil and Aidan for your help, and thanks Ian for lending some additional gear too. Day 1 On the first day after Christmas…we did Serendipity. Rebecca, Andrew…
by | Nov 20, 2023
We found out that going to Yamba would be too rainy, so instead we went to Mt Hotham to do some of the Australian Alps. Thanks to Nam for coming up with this plan and also thanks to Facebook guy who gave us a suggested route. Day 1 drive to Mt Hotham (8 hours) camp and diamantia hut Day 2 walk to federation hut, walk up Mt Feathertop. Go to…
by | Jan 27, 2023
Video trip report available here: Our annual pilgrimage to Tasmania’s Southwest National park started as usual with a Friday night out in Hobart, followed by a 7.30am pick up by Tasmanian Wilderness Experiences. TWE specialises in transporting bushwalkers to and from trackheads and the business is for sale if anyone is looking for a tree-change! Day 1. With breakfast…
by | Sep 24, 2022
Here’s the long-promised trip report. As photos don’t work on WordPress I’ve put a version with all the photos on my own website instead: It has been some sort of tradition to do camping trips during mid-semester breaks of uni, as this is when others usually have more free time. This national…
by | May 14, 2022
The Freshers Trip is a SUBW tradition. It is an overnight bushwalk catered to new members of the club. Older/established members are welcome to come along as well. This year, we visited the vicinity of Gooch’s Crater and Billabong Canyon. Our trip started and finished at Bell railway station in the upper Blue Mountains. We met…
by | Mar 5, 2022
Expeditions to South West Tasmania are a long tradition in SUBW. It’s remote, rugged, beautiful and one of the few places in Australia that offers real mountaineering. Exposed to the ocean storms of the roaring forties the weather can turn dangerous at a moment’s notice even in summer. The most…
by | Jun 13, 2021
Katoomba to Wentworth Falls Traverse We caught the train up to Katoomba early Sunday morning, expecting very cold and wet conditions, we were pleasantly surprised as the ground was in dry and visibility was very good. Starting from Katoomba station, we hiked to scenic world then down to ruined Castle where we had lunch – really nice view, but a bit crowded and also no hot tea as metho had spilled into my teapot. After taking…
by | May 29, 2021
In sunny but cold weather we met for breakfast in Blackheath before heading up onto Newnes Plateau. Sunnyside Ridge Road has lots of excellent places to visit, but usually requires 4WD. The sidetrails definitely need 4WD. Firetrail #8 brought us to Acoustic canyon, which was an easy walk-through with a few shallow pools to get around. If you…
by | May 15, 2021
It had been a couple of weeks since SUBW’s incredible Intermediate Canyoning weekend adventure, and I was keen for more canyon action! Except- with the forecast for overnight temperatures set to -3degrees on the Newnes Plateau, I felt it was time to transition to a drier winter canyon-type of adventure. With this…
by | May 8, 2021
Although it was worrying that there were a lot of clouds on the way to Heathcote station, the sky cleared up beautifully at the time we gathered. After waiting for Thomas until 9:30 pm, we headed to the Royal National Park. We started on the Friendly Track, what a friendly national park! Descending on a rocky track along the Heathcote creek, I realised that the water flow was much stronger than the last time I was here, obviously since there was quite a lot of rain during the week. We arrived…