Umina-Patonga-Pearl Beach

Umina-Patonga-Pearl Beach

Umina-Patonga-Pearl Beach, Sunday 21st February 2021. With a forecasts of very possible rain showers, but with a temperature of 27 degrees C forecast, I thought that this walk could still be a goer with nice weather. It turned out to be mostly correct; I decided that a day with such a temperature wasn’t going to be totally washd out. Of the…

Barrington River Packrafting 16-17 January 2021

Barrington River Packrafting 16-17 January 2021

The Barrington River Rapid Adventure. The clouds were lighting up and there was a rainbow in the sky as we rolled into Gloucester on the Friday night. A good omen for the Barrington River Rapid Adventure ahead. Everyone managed to make it to The Roundabout Inn, some just before the kitchen closed (8pm for future reference). Present were…

Wondabyne Great North Walk

Wondabyne Great North Walk

Although exam time was coming up, I decided to run this walk this day as between now and March next year, this walk is too hot for trips in summertime. So I decided that it was now or never (or a while anyway). I knew that there would be not a lot of people wanting to come on walks right now, in exam time, and I originally had 6 sign up. Three however…