by Vanessa Haverd
It was a lovely Friday night.
The moon was full, the time was right
For Dave, Matt, Vanessa and Bean,
-(Who were feeling rather keen),
To attempt this mighty walk
About which there’s so much talk.
First of all the Neck they bashed,
And down Taro’s Ladders dashed.
Then they walked on through the night
‘Til the Cox’s was in sight.
Glad that the night’s walk was done,
They went to bed at half past one.
Before they kew it, it was dawn
And Dave’s alarm announced the next morn.
They packed up their few belongings and headed
For the infamous Strongleg Ridge they’d dreaded
But despite Cloudmaker’s steepness no-one lagged
And by 9am the first peak was bagged!
They proceeded to descend the first peak
And presently arrived at Kanangra Creek.
Dave pointed out where Ashley had piked.
Then up Mount Paralyser they hiked.
By the top they were pretty buggered
But with Earl Grey for lunch they soon recovered.
Two peaks down, one to go!
They were going to schedule, not too slow.
They’d have liked more tea, but Guouogang beckoned.
And all the while, Huey threatened.
So they scrambled down to Whalania Creek
Then commenced the ascent of the final peak.
The climb up Guouogang was not as easy
Since the rain poured down and the rocks were greasy.
Mr Bean, as always, sped up to the top,
But Vanessa was tired and required a fizz stop.
Sopping wet they arrived at the summit.
The last of the peaks! By Jove, they’d done it!
That evening The Legend made a fire in his fly.
They cooked their mac and kept fairly dry,
’til later that night when Huey went ballistic
And drenched their sleeping bags. (‘Twas rather sadistic)
Mr Bean alone was not affected.
For he was in a garbo bag protected.
All day Sunday, Huey intermittently pounded,
But when he behaved, superb views abounded.
The last big climb was up Yellow Dog,
With lunch not long after in a cave at Mobb’s Bog.
Then, weary but eager to get back
They hurried off along the track.
With aching muscles and feet a wreck,
They pressed on regardless and bashed the Neck.
Inside 48 hours the walk was completed.
Despite Huey’s efforts, they had not been defeated.
Dave, Vanessa and Matt hit the pub for a schooner.
As usual, Mr Bean had arrived a bit sooner.